Ins Ks 120 Bs - 120 M3 H Compact Concrete Batching Plants


INS  KS-120 BS 





Ins Machinery Compact Concrete Batching Plants designed considering economical shipping costs which can enter and transport with 40’ OT (Open Top) container. Our compact concrete batching plants are very advantageous due to their property of quick installation, easy transport and low shipping costs to overseas countries. Compact concrete batching plants are the products whit high-performance. They have low operational,maintenance and energy costs. High quality materials are used in their production. Less installation space is needed for lack of space at the site. Their installation can be done in a short time. You can get the high quality concrete and high performance with full automatic automation system. Our compact concrete batching plants comply CE (Europe), Gost-R (Russia) standards.


> Plant  Capacity / ОБЪЕМ ЗАВОДА                                                  

Compacted  Concrete / Сжатый бетон  120 m³ /saat (hr)               

Cycle  Time / Время перемешивания       50 cycle/hr                   


>Mixer Specifications / ОСОБЕННОСТИ МИКСЕРА                                      

Mixer  Capacity / Объем миксера  3,00 m³

Dry  Capacity / Сухой объем                      4500 lt                       

Compacted  Concrete / Сжатый бетон 3000 lt                       

Motor  Power /Мощность мотора         2x55  Kw  


>Aggregate Bunker  / БУНКЕР ДЛЯ ЗАПОЛНЕНИЙ                                                    

Aggregate Compartments / Кол-во бункеров      4 units                             

Compartments Capacity  / Объем  1 бункера       20 m³                   

Total Capacity / Общий объем                              80 m³                              

Number of Cover / Кол-во крышек          4 set                                


>Aggregate Weighing Conveyor / ЛЕНТА ЗАГРУЗКИ МИКСЕРА        

Width / Ширина                                                     1200 mm                    

Length / Длинна                                                     7.500 mm                 

Motor Power / Мощность   мотора       15 Kw


>Skip  Hoist / ВЕДРО                                                       

Dry Loading Capacity / Сухой объем        4.500 lt                       

Max.Loading Capacity / Максимальный объем 5.500 kg                     

Motor Power  / Мощность мотора        30 Kw

Speed of Hoist up / Down / Скорость ведра      0,4 m/s

>Total Motor Power / ОБЩЯЯ МОЩЬ МОТОРА                            

Standart (1 silos) / Стандарт (1силос)  200 Kw


> Weighers / ВЕСЫ                             

Aggregate Weighing / Весы агрегата      5500 kg                    

Cement  Weighing / Весы цемента          2000 kg                            

Water  Weighing / Весы воды                   1500 kg                            

Additive  Weighing / Весы добавок          50 kg                             


> Cement Screw Conveyor / ЦЕМЕНТНЫЙ СПИРАЛЬНЫЙ КОНВЕЕР     

Diameter / Диаметр                                  273 mm     

Length / Длинна                             10.000 mm   

Motor Power / Мощность  мотора        15 Kw            


> Cement Silo / СИЛОС ЦЕМЕНТА                                               

Capacity / Объем                             50–75-100 ton

Number  / Кол-во                            1 – 2 unit   


> Compressor / КОМПРЕССОР

Capacity / Объем                             1.800 lt/min     

Working Pressure / Рабочее давление    10 bar              

Motor Power / Мощность мотора         5,5 Kw    




Santral Kapasitesi / Plant Capacity

Sıkıştırılmış Beton / Compacted Concrete120 m³ /saat
Karışım Zamanı / Cycle Time50 cycle/hr

Mikser Özellikleri / Mixer Specifications

Mikser Kapasitesi / Mixer Capacity3,00 m³
Kuru Hacim / Dry Capacity4500 lt
Sıkıştırılmış Beton / Compacted Concrete3000 lt
Motor Gücü / Motor Power2x55 Kw

Agrega Bunkeri / Aggregate Bunker

Göz Adedi / Aggregate Compartments4 units
Göz Kapasitesi / Compartments Capacity20 m³
Toplam Kapasite / Total Capacity80 m³
Kapak Adedi / Number of Cover4 set

Agrega Tartım Konveyörü / Aggregate Weighing Conveyor

Genişlik / Width1200 mm
Uzunluk / Length7.500 mm
Motor Gücü / Motor Power15 Kw

Kova / Skip Hoist

Kuru Yükleme Kap. / Dry Loading Capacity4.500 lt
Maks.Yükleme Kap./Max.Loading Capacity5.500 kg
Motor Gücü / Motor Power30 Kw
Kova Hızı / Speed of Hoist up / Down0,4 m/s

>Toplam Motor Gücü / Total Motor Power

Standart (1 silolu) / Standart (1 silos)200 Kw

> Kantarlar / Weighers

Agrega Tartım / Aggregate Weighing5500 kg
Çimento Tartım / Cement Weighing2000 kg
Su Tartım / Water Weighing1500 kg
Katkı Tartım / Additive Weighing50 kg

Çimento Helezonu / Cement Screw Conveyor

ø Çap / Diameter273 mm
Uzunluk / Length10.000 mm
Motor Gücü / Motor Power15 Kw

Çimento Silosu / Cement Silo

Kapasite / Capacity50–75-100 ton
Adet / Number1 – 2 unit

Kompresör / Compressor

Kapasite / Capacity1.800 lt/min
Çalışma Basıncı / Working Pressure10 bar
Motor Gücü / Motor Power5,5 Kw